
Welcome to the fifth issue of the Montana Antiques & Vintage Directory, a publication specifically for antiques & vintage enthusiasts’ across Montana. All of us in the Montana antiques & vintage community face a communication problem. Residents and visitors interested in antiques & vintage often overlook shops, businesses, and events because we just don’t know about them. I wanted a Montana-focused publication that helped build awareness of antiques & vintage -- so I decided to create one.

Free print copies of the Montana Directory are available at businesses and events focused on antiques & vintage — the best place to reach interested buyers and sellers. As the publication grows, our distribution will grow too. The digital format is easy to use and looks just like the print publication. That means our publication is available anywhere, anytime online.

The Montana Directory is published early each year, in time for spring events and summer visitors. It includes articles by Montana collectors and business owners in an effort to build interest and get the next generation interested in collecting. You can help build the communication network for Montana antiques & vintage and grow support for the Montana Directory. If you know a business or event that should be included in the Directory, let the owner know.  And tell our advertisers you saw them here!

How to Get a Print Copy

It's easy! Print copies of the March 2023 issue are available at antique & vintage shops and events across Montana. If your local shop or event doesn't have copies, contact: mtantiquesvintage@gmail.com or call 406-324-7219 and we'll get a copy to you. Simple!


About Jan Lerum


I’m a collector, vintage business owner, and event organizer in Montana. I know the Montana antiques & vintage community and am committed to creating a useful and beautiful publication we all use.

My husband Lance & I live outside of Townsend, MT. When he isn’t busy raising Jersey milk cows for family farms, Lance is hiking or taking motorcycle trips in far off places.

About Kimberly Kinsinger


I am co-owner of K Design Marketing, Inc. with my husband Samuel. We love working with local Montana businesses. I have always had a love for art and design and am fortunate to be able to help businesses and organizations promote themselves and grow in my home state of Montana.